As you enter our doors you will be greeted by smiling faces and friendly people who seek to manifest the Spirit-wrought fruit of love, joy, and peace.
Our worship before the Father is for all His children of all ages. As Jesus welcomed the little children so we believe they should be in His presence each Lord’s Day.
The Table is central to our gathering as we give thanks (Eucharist) before our Creator and Redeemer.
As a Christ-centered community we embrace the whole counsel of God and seek to apply God’s word not only in personal matters but also in public and political issues.
Rooted in Christ we long to be a community that manifests the fruit of love, joy, and peace in a personal relationships.
Our prayer and pursuit is that God would be a God to us and our children to the thousandth generation.
The primary instantiation or manifestation of city-life takes place in worship as we gather around the throne of grace. It is here we come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:22ff). Thus, city-life begins at rest, at peace and in the presence of the living God.
As participants of city-life we play a part in “the nations walking by its light, and the kings of the earth bringing their glory into (the city)” (Revelation 21:24). The calling of the church is to disciple the nations and teach everything Jesus has commanded us (Matthew 28:18-20). We do this living out the tensions of the cross.
These tensions are exhibited in our life temporally and spatially thus we live at the center of two axis. Temporally we are a people who have a past and who anticipate a future. Spatially, we are people identified by an inside and an outside. The center God has given us in the church is the cross of Jesus Christ. The cross that unites the past and future, the cross that unites the inside and the outside.
Temporally, we are rooted in Christ, His Word and 2000+ years of Christian tradition. We discard this at our peril. City-life entails studying (delighting in) the architectural work that our Great Builder has done thus far.
Temporally, we are future oriented looking to the promises and blessings of God which He will bring about as He builds His city, adding layers and ever more glorious architectural works. We trust in the promises of God praying and working for His kingdom to come and His will to be done.
Spatially, our ‘ingroup’ is identified in worship and bolstered by Biblical teaching, personal discipleship, emphasis upon covenant nurture, Christian education, and cultivating fellowship through Christ-centered friendships.
Spatially, our ‘outward’ focus is directed toward serving those in need, inviting non-Christian friends to church, ministering the grace of God to our neighbors, and generally working for the glory of God to be revealed in all of creation.
Thus, we are city dwellers and city builders who carry our cross to follow Him.
As a Church we are gathered by the call of Jesus Christ by the power of His Holy Spirit to present our bodies as living sacrifices before God our Father. Our life is lived in fellowship with the triune God. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God incarnated in human flesh and through His death and resurrection he as accomplished our salvation from sin. He has sent His promised Holy Spirit to us uniting us to Christ through faith alone. God’s salvation is a free gift by which we are delivered from the guilt and power of sin.
We seek to be a church faithful to our historic Christian roots and united in service with the broader body of Christ. As such we don’t seek to be “distinct” but to be faithful to God’s Word. That said, there are four things that you will “hear” repeatedly at CPC that effect and influence who we are as we seek to be faithful.
We pray for and work for God’s promise to be a God to us and our children to the thousandth generation.
Worship is central in the life of the church and in the lives of God’s people
Festal Fellowship
Feasting is apex of our Lord’s Day Worship and feasting and fellowship are at the heart of our life as the body of Christ.
Suffused with Scripture
We believe Christ’s Lordship is comprehensive and He rules over every square inch of creation. As such we look for the gospel to transform our lives as well as society and culture.
Greg has been been married to the love of his life for 27 years. Together they have 5 wonderful children (plus 2 daughters-in-law and a son-in-law) who are, by God's grace, faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Greg has been the pastor at CPC since September 2018.